Thursday 3 October 2013

How to optimize content for a Quality Website Cont....

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In this blog we will complete the last blog which talks about the “How to optimize content for a Quality Website”.

Continuing on the same lines of simplicity, let us understand some more facts.
Redirecting requests from a non-preferred hostn me is essential and important because search engines consider URLs with and without "www" as two different websites that is they consider domain with a www and without a www as two separate domains even when the rest is identical.
So if your site is but it also opens up when someone types, search engines may or may not crawl both domains OR a single domain. This means that sometimes search engines will crawl and index the domain that is not preferred. 

If this happens you may assume that the site has not been indexed by search engines, however the non-preferred URL has been indexed, due to search engines considering the www and the non-www domains as separate web addresses.

It is highly recommended that once your preferred domain is in place; use a 301 redirect for all traffic to the non-preferred domain.

It also avoids duplicate content issues, which may arise, if the search engine crawls both the urls ( www and one without www), they will consider it to be 2 separate pages, but with identical content, this may lead to serious threat to the site.

Another question arises which domain to prefer www or one without www ?

Answer is simple

It depends on ones preference however it is advisable to choose the one which is most often bookmarked by your users, or which one is most commonly used to link to your website.

The crux of the matter is whichever version you use, only use the preferred version and redirect the other version to the preferred domain.

Few highlighted reasons to use www are as below:

  • Using www is more search engine friendly due to Canonicalization 
  • It differentiates the main site from other subdomains which are used 
  • It restricts cookies while using multiple subdomains. Cookies of the main domain are sent to subdomains, so if you are using subdomains for a blog or any other related page it is easier to differentiate the sites with the www prefix. 
  • Organizing your folders become easier as the one for the live site is in the www folder at the domain, while the development folder is at the for development purposes. 
Popular websites that use www domains are:
Some reasons to use the non www version as your preferred domain are as follows:
  • It shortens length of your website URL. 
  • User experience; many users these days type the URL without the www. 
  • www sites may look old-fashioned.
Popular websites that do not use www domains are:
There is much more to share, but will restrict our self to this.

Last Advice for you all is to keep it simple.

We will share more content, in a simplified manner soon. Till then good bye and take good care of yourself and your Online Avatar.

Thanks & Regards
Nikesh Upadhyay

Manager Online Marketing
Mobile: +91-8432429929; +91-8740061779 | Web:

Wednesday 2 October 2013

How to optimize content for a Quality Website

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Hope you all are doing great.

Simple formula is…… yes… to keep it simple.

Well today blog post will share about your online image, any guesses what are we talking about…?

No it’s not about your Face book profile pic J , it is about the image of your business which is online on web. Yes your business website.  Whenever people meet or engage for any form of businesses we expect them to be dressed in a certain way. The same way it works for your Website, it has to give the feeling and should be connected to your business, as it carries your brand to the world.

Websites tells so much about the business/personality behind, an experience person can even make a decision to not move further by just observing the website. Website provides first impression about your brand to the outer world, hence it is highly recommended to have a good website, with all details related to you, your business and much more.
On Page SEO

We all have a question that does a list or a document can guide us on how to get a best site developed, and what all needs to be taken care of.

YES is the answer, please follow the following steps and also know the concept behind them
·         A site's URL, must be simple, and should connect with your business name or nature of business.Using hyphens instead of underscores is advisable by Google, as it’s more readable. Also the URL has to be most intelligible to humans. 
      Mobile internet users are huge and they are increasing rapidly, so make sure the websites looks nice and works well on most of the mobile platforms.
·         We must take care of the Titles, Descriptions and Keywords  while designing the website
o   Title
§  In Ideal scenario can have 10 to 70 characters
§  Titles should be explicit and should contain the most important keywords
§  Each page of website should have unique title

o   Description
§  In Ideal scenario can have  70 to 160 characters
§  It allows you to influence how the web pages are described and seen in searches. A Nicely written description helps as more viewer click through to your site.
o    Keywords
§  It is used to represent the ideal search words for your businesses.
§  Must be chosen with care, and should be used in content in such a way so that it doesn’t look spam.
AVOID duplicate Description and Title on your page it is suicidal for your web site.
·         Structure
o   The websites needs to be structured, using heading.
o   Use keywords in heading and never duplicate the content of title tag in your header tag.
·         Images
o   Images must have an alt tag, so that Google can read it, and they can appear in Google images search result.
·         Text to HTML Ratio
o   Pages must have an optimum ratio, best suitable is 25-70 percent
o   As far as the content on page is relevant it is good to add content
·         FLASH
o   Flash must be avoided as its not SEO friendly, as it cannot be properly indexed by Search Engines.
·         SMO
o   It is recommended to Includes your Social Media engagement Buttons Like
§  Facebook
§  Twitter
§  LinkedIn
§  Youtube
§  Blogs
o   This helps in improving your web site as well as your over all online image.

There is a lot more to share on Web Sites, SEO and SMO.

We will share more content, in a simplified manner soon. Till then good bye and take good care of yourself and your Online Avatar.

Thanks & Regards
Nikesh Upadhyay

Manager Online Marketing
Mobile: +91-8432429929; +91-8740061779 | Web: